When we the a concert it is call fiafia it was like we were showing off to the audience they were dancing on the stage I was in a group called hip hop we did a design of our selfs we used glowsticks and paint on our faces And put glow sticks on our hand and feet also on our neck Plus we saw our parents and aunties
Have you been to a pt england school fiafia.
Fiafia we were exited and the stage was huge a fiafia is a concert that show our culture my normal culture is kapahaka fia fia was last week on thursday it was so fun i exploded my head and regenerated my head and did my best and all my friends in jump jam i should say kapa haka is the warriors to because they are strong they slap their chest to scare away the enemies that's why i like and do kapahaka we had to wear a black t shirt and black pant and the girls to have to wear leggings i like when we were in the dark.
My group was hip hop and jump jam is a type of culture that sicribes fun and lot of greatfulnes the culture hip hop is the man like cool, i choosed hip hop because last lastyear i saw how cool it is because i like the song and moves they did the jumping and moves The song was can’t hold us
The foodwe had on fiafia night we eat potato salad and chopsewy with meat in it it was so delisious.
I was about to scream but i was ok so i felt nervous. MY favourite thing at fiafia was the the song and the food and lollie stall.