
Tuesday 13 November 2018

The wrong island

On a day at Pt England School we went to kawau island just the year 6 and they are so lucky to be going somewhere they haven’t been before. And when year 6 got to the ferry they notice they were taking off straight away. What i also noticed that we know it only takes 3-4 hours well this 1 took 24 hours. We got there but we were terrified because we saw shark thins stick out of the water i was furious so the ferry stopped because somebody went to go fishing so the sharks went away. We got to have a swim in the water and some people panicked because the water was so deep i just swam to the rocks but when i saw the sharks all of us went back on the ferry.

Soon as we got to the island everybody was cheering to eat and nobody packed anything to eat. But all the boys had there 2 packet of biscuits. We found out we got stuck at pfft island it was so scary that some boys all the girls were paranoid. We all saw a skull and some bones as soon as i went away i saw a person with a chainsaw i ran back to the ferry but it was gone so we had to wait another 24 hours…………….24 hours later…

So when the ferry came we known that we didn’t get on alone we got followed by “Jason”! We got to hide somewhere but we kept hearing footsteps somewhere we didn’t know. But we got back to Auckland We went straight home from where ever we were going

Our principal had a complaint to the ferry driver for taking his children somewhere else. The next week we went to the ferry 1 more time and we did get to kawau island we were all happy and surprised. Happy ever after

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