Tuesday 2oth November 2018 - Friday 23rd November 2018
Introduction: (2-3 sentences)
Who? What? When? Where?
Make it exciting for your audience to read!
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On Tuesday 20th november 2018 in the morning we all went to school waiting to go on the bus. Went were going to kawau island because we were going to a camp on that island. It was extraordinary when we got onto the boat we saw huge waves that made camp bentzon yell dunununun nunununununu nunununununu Mr Goodwin, Mr j, Mr summerville. Was some of the helpers that got us prepared for camp and that was a big fat huge looking thank you to ms flavaul.
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Paragraph 1: (3-4 sentences)
What happened first? Getting to Camp what was the first thing you did? Hike?
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When we got into the bus the all the boys went straight to the back. On the bus we went to sandspit to catch our ferry. But on the way to kawau island on the boat we saw a aqua wail
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Paragraph 2: (3-4 sentences)
What happened next? Day two activities what activities did you do?
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Day 2 at camp we went to do some fun/boring activities and the 1st one my team did was kayaking when i hopped in the kayak I straight away fell over and i was soaking wet then a friendly lady helped me get into my kayak. We went kayaking around the the lagoon. The 2nd activite we did was biverack and we had to build a little boat but my team didn’t know that there was other barrel’s and we could of built a cool tough boat.
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Paragraph 3: (3-4 sentences)
What happened next? Day three activities what did you do?
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We had sports day. Sports day is when you can play touch, volleyball, swim, and bush baseball. My team and katz came to the beach to go swim and it was just me and Sione, and other 2 girls i didn’t want to swim because then we have to stay in our wet clothes all day and my scalp got sunburn the other sports we done was bush baseball and i didn’t like something because my team was on the side when it stunk and 1 of the boys nearly splashed out and nearly puked but we ended up seceding the stink and apparently our team won and some of the people in my team wasn’t so good at bush baseball
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Thankyou: (2-3 sentences)
Who would you like to thank for helping you at camp?
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I would like to thank Ms Tia, Ms parrant, the chief’s, Mr sommerville, Mr goodwin and Mr Jay especially everyone of the adults
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Conclusion:: (2-3 sentences)
What did you enjoy? What did you learn?
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I enjoyed every bit the scariest part was abseiling because i climbed really high up and a adult from abseiling helped me hook the rope and i started to jump. I learned to work as a team even when you don’t like the people in your team lol.
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Izaiah you need to fix the blog post